Learning to code – Week 5 – HTML, CSS & Ruby

I’m still late! Struggling to catch up on week-ends, where I feel like I’m turning into a geek spending hours in front of my screen… at 41, it’s quite a strange feeling🙂

What did I do this past week?

More HTML & CSS: I completed this skill on Codecademy: very proud of myself! (at least my 13-year old son is no longer ahead of me on this one!! #dignity)

Momcoding HTML badges on Codecademy
Momcoding HTML badges on Codecademy


I also did my resume in html & css, in both french & english, as a result of following both a French MOOC (Open Classrooms via Simplonline) and Codecademy. Although there were a lot of common instructions it wasn’t that bad doing the work twice at the end of the day, as each platform has a different teaching approach and doesn’t stress the same points. Practice makes perfect, isn’t it?

What I particularly like with Codecademy is the interactive teaching: it is very well-done and nicely executed, you want to go on and on and on… I’m told by more experienced developers that this feeling fades later on, but I’m still very young in my journey so, for the moment, I do like it!!

On the other hand, Open Classrooms asks you to evaluate 3 other students should you want your work to be evaluated: it’s quite interesting to be confronted to other people’s productions and quite educating as well.

I also started the Ruby course on Codecademy: maybe I’ll get it better from now on… wait and see!


Ruby Course on Codecademy
Ruby Course on Codecademy


Next article: Learning to code – Week 6 – Bootstrap & CSS

(This article was first published on the blog Momslearningtocode.com, now closed).

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