Innovation strategy: How can companies CAPTURE more value vs just creating it for consumers?

Businesses have a blind spot when it comes to CAPTURING value, according to Professor Stefan Michel, director of the Executive MBA program at IMD in Lausanne. Based on his experience, they spend much more time & money on value-creating innovations than on value-capturing ones. He has developed a framework to better capture value from innovations: … Lire la suite

Coding Hackathon With Business School Students in Paris

This article was initially published on the MIT App Inventor Blog – co-authored with Pierre Huguet The ISG (Institut Supérieur de Gestion) is a French business school offering Masters & MBA programs. Pierre and I had taught a group of Masters students the basics of mobile programming with App Inventor, during an intensive 3-day course … Lire la suite

Learning to code – Weeks 14 till the end – Ruby & Rails

Ruby & Rails I’m lagging behind in my posting here as my learning to code was to help me initiate another project I had in mind. I have now started this other project ( which – quite logically – is now taking most of my time!       However to complete this blog’s mission … Lire la suite

Learning to code: The 100-day milestone

100 days after I started learning to code, I settled down to reflect on what I had learned till now, where were the difficulties and how was I reacting to the program and to the pedagogy I was exposed to. Remember I’m doing this part-time, in addition to a day-job.   So what was in … Lire la suite

Learning to code – Weeks 9 to 13 – Javascript

JAVASCRIPT   I’m just coming out of 5 weeks dedicated to Javascript. Did I complain about Bootstrap? Now that was nothing compared to the headaches I’ve had since attacking Javascript! Why is that??? I’m the first one to wonder, since Javascript seems to be presented everywhere on the web as an easy and playful language… … Lire la suite

Learning to code – Week 8 – HTML & CSS

End of Cycle 1 : HTML & CSS Week 8 was the last week of the HTML/CSS cycle. It was about forms, and it was a relief after the Bootstrap headache. Not that forms cannot be complicated, but getting the basics of it is quite accessible, I could even add a simple contact form to my … Lire la suite

Code Girls by Technovation

Women represent less than 10% of developers worldwide, at least in most developed countries (which are those with the worst figures when it comes to gender equality in IT by the way!). In app development, it’s even worse : when Technovation was founded 6 years ago, they estimated that only 4% of app developers were women. … Lire la suite

Coder Dojo Paris

10 days ago I took my two eldest to a Coder Dojo session in Paris. Coder Dojo is a volunteer-led initiative to teach children how to code. Founded in 2011 in Ireland,  it is now a global movement of community based programming clubs for young people.   How does it work ? It was our first … Lire la suite

Learning to code – Week 7 – Bootstrap & jQuery

More Bootstrap & a flavour of JQuery The assignment in week 7 involved adding some effects to the resume, based on jQuery scripts, such as an interactive, dynamic portfolio of realisations with a hover effect. I guess, I even assume, that the intention behind that was GOOD: give us a flavour of Javascript before fully … Lire la suite